Tuesday, October 26, 2010

songs and stuff

so these are the songs that've been lingering on my head these days.

9669 by the joy formidable

the whole album of carla bruni.
(gosh this girl is c'est magnifique!)
those are my inspiration for these couple of weeks. so, yeah, i'm french-y all over again..
and i'm gonna make an amateur fashion ad' with la derniere minute by carla bruni. so wait for it yeah? i'm excited as hell.


lastly and finally!, i've my own burger king's crown. :D.
sadly, this is the first time i've managed to ask the cashier for a free crown. i know, i'm a pathetic nerd. oh well, all this, to make me feel like a king, even BK's king. lol
and yes, thats a pink coloured oversized headphone. cute eh?

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